Archives for Robert Thompson


Hyperion, FSPS, and FSPS-python

OSX Automount

Customizing Emacs

what exactly is in a python object?

compiling OpenMPI & HDF5 with Fortran support

Listing files in a directory via python

check executable library dependencies

setup an iPython notebook

timing python functions

osx scroll direction

arma mission editing

multiple legends

me in a nutshell

backing up my wordpress SQL database

binary arithmetic…ugh

frameless legend()

colorbar for a multipanel plot


Space station in orbit!

learning to program…properly

blob & KH tests again!

bash math!

vanilla SPH vs DISPH so far….

bounding box for text in matplotlib

h5py to replace npz?!

head command + animated gifs


circumpolar sun

auto-login followed by auto-lock

first orbit!

still no luck

Aquarium webcam

OSX mouse lag…

continued trouble with surface density estimations

galaxy rotation

customizing matplotlib’s legend()

dynamic geometry!

random header images for homepage

mass-weighted Sobolev/HSML column values

PHP is annoying

Comparing Sigma

the beauty of crontab

Progress bar….

Is this thing on?

Arma mission brainstorm…