OSX Automount

When reinstalling OSX on my hackintosh I’m always troubled with the question of how do I automatically reconnect to my server’s network drive on startup? I previously had an apple script that did just that, but for whatever reason it no longer works in OSX 10.9 Mavericks. Apparently Apple’s Automater is a lot easier to work with and does the same thing. Thanks to this post I found a clever and simple solution that should continue to work regardless of the OS version:

  1. Launch Automater
  2. Choose Application
  3. Search for pause and drag it to the right pane (enter 5secs or so)
  4. Search for server and drag Get Specified Servers and Connect to Servers (in this order) to the right pane.
  5. In Get Specified Servers click Add, and add the address (in my case it was afp://
  6. Save the application, and add it to your OSX startup!


Setting up a true VPN (and not just an SSH tunnel) on ubuntu isn’t exactly challenging, but took a little bit of dinkering around. The nice thing is that it works wel and will make things a bit easier when it comes to changing settings while sitting outside of my network, while ‘pretending’ I am inside of my network! I simply followed the straight forward instructions here.