Hyperion, FSPS, and FSPS-python

Reinstalling OSX has me spending too much time figuring out what I’m missing.  Hyperion isn’t tricky, but I don’t feel like scrambling for instructions next time so here we go:


First thing’s first, nab and install gfortran. Next you’ll need to make sure you have HDF5 compiled and installed with fortran support, I covered this topic in this post. Next we’ll want to nab the hyperion tarball and move into the directory. This should be a basic configure, make, and make install:
> ./configure --prefix=/Users/bob/local/hyperion
> make
> make install
It is very important that you do *not* use ‘make -jN’; make must be ran serialized! Now we can build the python part via:
> python setup.py build
> python setup.py install
Easy enough right? Ok, well now we can move on to FSPS and Python-FSPS!

FSPS & Python bindings

Download the FSPS tarball via svn:
> svn checkout http://fsps.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ fsps
You’ll need to add a new environment variable to your .bash_profile or .bashrc:
and point it to wherever the directory is you just downloaded. Then a simple ‘make’ should take care of everything as long as your gfortran is properly installed. Now nab python-fsps from github and cd into the downloaded directory. The build method is a little unconventional for most python packages:
> python setup.py build_fsps
> python setup.py develop

Testing FSPS

We should now be able to test FSPS and produce some stellar spectra. The metallicity input boils down to a table of values where you have to pass in the closest index. here’s an example script:
 import fsps
 import random
 import fsps


 ZSUN = 0.0190
 METALS = [0.1,1,1.5] ## array of metals for our stars
 AGE = 5. ## maximum age

## table from FSPS

## loop through each star and calculate the spectrum based on its age
 and metallicity
 for i in range(0,len(METALS)):
 zmetindex = (abs(ZMET-(METALS[i]*ZSUN))).argmin() + 1 ## determine
 index of ZMET
 sp = fsps.StellarPopulation(imf_type=1, zmet=zmetindex) ## calculate
 stellar population
 spectrum = sp.get_spectrum(tage=random.random()*AGE) ## get the

## plot the results
 loglog(spectrum[0],spectrum[1],label=r'%0.2fZsun' % METALS[i],

All of that produces this: