arma mission editing

I forgot how frustratingly stupid the Arma3 scripting language can be. Regardless…it’s fun when it works!
the mission is almost complete. I spent the night dicking around with the helicopter extraction; talk about a pain in the neck. It always feels like a 50/50 shot as to if it’ll actually work or not. I figured out how to use and call functions as well which has been quite useful. The only thing missing right now is weapon persistence through death…one of these days.


After a day and a half of failed orbits and crashes, I finally landed on the Mun! I beefed up the launch phase by adding two solid boosters and a beefier liquid rocket, then switched to a nuclear rocket for the transfer and slow down phase. Once I got to around 150-200km/s landing got very touchy due to the Mun’s very low gravity.

Space station in orbit!

I finally got a space station of some sort in orbit! Apparently less is more in this case as it becomes easier to lift. Now for the hard part…adding modules…

first orbit!

Date Category Gaming
First successful orbit! Barely had enough fuel for de-orbiting, but hey I landed safely!

Arma mission brainstorm…

Mission takes place in cherno. Utter chaos - ongoing battle between BLUFOR & OPFOR.  Mission begins with a helicopter insert into battle where the helicopter is “setcaptive true” along with each unit.  Fast rope in the middle of battle to a rooftop, once this happens setcaptive is set back to false - must get past enemy forces and take out the AA in order to allow air support to come in.